We want to list every legal driving school in the country on our website provided you are willing and able to provide us with the following documentation, and comply with the terms of our code of conduct. We have a Constitution too, although we are about to start using a new one which has already been approved by members in principal. We are just putting the final touches together to include driving schools.


In order to become a member of SAIDI, driving instructors need to provide us with the following documentation:

 A fully-completed “SAIDI Application for Membership” form. SAIDI Application for Membership.

  1. A copy of your valid instructor’s certificate, as required per legislation.* (See relevant legislation on the website)
  2. Website details form –1. Instructors details for website.
  3. A recent photograph of your face.
  4. An up-to-date photograph of your vehicle / s with the SAIDI sticker displayed – preferably just behind the side mirrors.
  5. A copy of your identity book.
  6. A copy of your driving licence.
  7. The receipt for the payment indicated on the “SAIDI Application for Membership” form.
  8. A copy of your motor insurance plan.

Please email your fully completed documents to Pat@saidinational.org

We will contact you and soon have you listed on our website and put you on our mailing list.

You will immediately be entitled to all the benefits of being a SAIDI member.

Posted in: Join SAIDI.
Last Modified: August 23, 2013