Hennie Brits – Doxa Driving Tuition – Motorbestuur Onderrig

Contact Details:   

Cell Number:  062 151 1216

Email Address:   Doxadriving@gmail.com

Codes of training offered:   A; A1; B; EB; C1

Area of Instruction:   Kimberley and the Northern Cape.

Experience:   28 Years as a traffic Officer

Qualifications:   Honours Degree in Criminology

Driver training offered in the following languages:   Afrikaans; English

Gespesiliseerde kwaliteitsopleiding deur ex-verkeersbeampte.

28 Jaar ondervinding as toetsbeampte vir bestuurlisensies.

Het onderwys opgelei in K53.

I teach the candidates more than is necessary to pass their test. Defensive driving and road safety is a priority. Safety first!

We offer lessons in how to pass their learner’s licence tests. I have learners’ licence classes where they get individual attention, and take them to make appointments for learner’s and driving licence tests. My clients are taught everything they need to know on K53 on the road.

I have an excellent pass rate for both learners and driving candidates.